“Jack Sprat and Wife Diet”
By: Dr. Vanessa Victor

"Eat Happy, Live Happy"
Dr. Vanessa Victor's book, "12 lbs. of Fudge." is guaranteed to be an engaging read. It promises no gimmicks, pills, or injections, Discover the joy of eating right at any age!
Savor the cheesecake, relish the bread, your natural path to weight mastery.
Neighborhood Magazine Article: October ‘24

“Jack Sprat could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean; And so betwixt them both, they lick’d the platter clean”. What a sad way to eat! No lasagna, bouillabaisse, or other one pot meal for those two, and who gets the dessert pray tell.
For many people adhering to diet plans for weight management (not religious and traditional stances or allergies), it seems like they’re subscribing to the unhappy Jack Sprat and/or his wife’s diet. “I can’t eat bread, it’s not in my diet”. “I can’t have the meat”, “can’t have the fat”, “I can only have the greens but ignore the fact that they have to be smothered with some fatty dressing”. What’s more grating is the need to make others uncomfortable because they are freely partaking of the foods that Jack Sprat and wife dieters are shunning temporarily or as acquired dietary philosophy.
Bread is a staple all over the world, moreover, cultures are known by their breads, and many still pray for their daily supply, as in “give us this day our daily bread”. Many cultures are distinguished by their unique methods of preparing meats. In fact, in the movie “Forest Gump”, Bubba told us a long list of ways you might prepare shrimp, and one could conjure up a similar list for potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, and many other staples that might make up what’s generally included in a “balanced diet”.
In the book, “12lbs of Fudge: Weight loss and Management as Nature Intended”, the principles are laid out for how one may savor the flavors of good healthy eating and lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. “Eat some cheesecake, eat some bread”. As the holidays are approaching with many opportunities to “break bread together”, family and friends might enjoy a more gracious and grateful approach to the feast, where a mindset prevails that is liberating with respect to appreciation of culinary variety. Moderation in quantity rather than variety may go a long way to keep hosts and guests in a harmonious, festive balance while avoiding the dreaded weight gain. Sample what you like but have everything in moderation. In the final analysis, weight management is determined by calories consumed vs calories burned off – gain, lose, or maintain.
Ditch the Jack Sprat and wife diet. Eat some fat, have some lean, enjoy “Happiness in a dish” like and with the next person. “Eat Happy, Live Happy”.

“Eat Happy, Live Happy”
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